The Magic of Sychronicity

There’s something truly fascinating about synchronicity.

On my coffee table is an exquisite grey stone. It’s rather bigger than the size of a palm. It’s been polished so that it feels like silk to touch, and through the middle are three bands of some translucent substance so that light shines through these bands. It’s by a famous New Zealand sculptor and is called the Light-stone. People can’t resist picking it up, and holding it.

It was a gift from a friend who seemed to have every material need  met- her husband featured on the country’s rich list, and when it came to Christmas I never had any idea what to give her. I managed mostly, but this particular year I was stumped. Then one afternoon I was browsing through a book store and I came on a book by Annie Dillard, who I’d never heard of until then. The title was so intriguing that I explored the book, and decided to buy two copies, one for me and one for my friend.

When we met and swapped presents, I unwrapped her precious stone, and she unwrapped my book which was called ‘Teaching a Stone to Talk’.

There was something so perfect and complete about this moment. It was a glorious unexplainable coming together of thoughts and feelings and objects… these sorts of moments given an extra dimension of mystery and magic to the material world. What other glorious happenings can take place in a world where the unexpected and inexplicable solves problems with such leaps of imagination?

When a patient was telling Carl Jung about a dream with a scarab beetle in it, there was a bang against the window, and a green-blue scarab looking beetle hit the glass. Jung called this sort of incident ‘synchronicity’. If he hadn’t given it that label, would we recognise it as that, or would we be reduced to the lesser word, coincidence?

So at a lunch party yesterday we were talking about Wikipedia… I mentioned I’d tried to get an entry corrected which wrongly condemned a doctor based on the controversial findings of a very biased newspaper report. My attempt to correct the entry failed – I was told Wikipedia would only accept my facts if I was a relative or legally appointed representative.

But today, a sceptical guest who had queried what I had said, sent an e-mail… which told me that at the very time we had been talking about it, the doctor had been exonerated by the Court of Appeals in the UK.

The unexpectedness of this news and the timing, was so exquisite that I felt quite awed. And these inexplicable events happen more and more often, not just to me, but to everyone.

Back in the eighties, Peter Russell wrote a book called ‘The Awakening Earth’, and he had this to say about synchronicity: “ What we regard as curious chains of coincidence may likewise be the manifestation at the level of the individual of a higher organising principle at the collective level – the as yet rudimentary social super-organism.

“As humanity becomes more integrated, functioning more and more as a healthy high energy system, we might expect to see a steady increase in the number of supportive coincidences. A growing experience of synchronicity throughout the population could, therefore, be the first major indication of the emergence of a global level of organisation”…

Which means to me, that as more and more of us become aware and integrated – another of Jung’s terms, meaning ‘whole’ – our more open hearts, and lack of fear and aggression will create a world where the highest good of everyone starts to emerge.

Whenever another synchronicity makes itself known, I feel a sense of awe as well as joy… it seems to mean that life is flowing, and all is well. This morning I found I had a client coming for an appointment later today, when it wasn’t going to work for me. I rang to ask if she could postpone it, and she said she’d already left a message on my answer-phone to say she couldn’t come this afternoon!

One of the gifts of synchronicity is the timing. It always seems to work for all the people involved. Peter Russell also called synchronicities benevolent co-incidences. The word benevolent seems to sum them up perfectly, they always work for the good of every-one. No-one is disadvantaged, everyone is better off for a synchronistic event.

And this is the magic and the miracle of it. Some days I say to myself, I would like a really exciting synchronicity today… just as a little reminder of how wonderful life can be… and sure enough, the magic spills into the day in a totally unexpected way.

So may you and me both, enjoy a continuing stream of that magic and benevolence in our lives, knowing that it’s a gift that makes the world go round more happily!


Food for Threadbare Gourmet

First – a correction from an apologetic threadbare gourmet. I left out an important ingredient in the salad Nicoise in my last blog. I should have added some hard-boiled eggs to the list… and I should also have said that I rarely use anchovies in it, as I find the pickled walnuts and olives give it enough tang.

Today’s recipe is the result of a Christmas present. A friend gave me a stick beater and a recipe to go with it. The easiest fresh mayonnaise I’ve ever made. In the beaker that comes with the beater, break one whole egg – both yolk and white – plus salt, pepper, a good slurp of white wine vinegar or lemon juice and a good teasp of mixed mustard. Pour in some grape oil or other gentle tasting oil but not olive oil, to just under half the height of the beaker, and then press the button! Whizz, whizz, and mayonnaise is ready!

It’s important not to use olive oil in this mixture, as the process spoils the taste of the olive oil – alright to use olive oil in the old-fashioned way with a wooden spoon, but modern whizzing spoils the taste. When my friend demonstrated this method to me she used an aromatic sherry balsamic vinegar, but I would use something less distinctive. The more oil you put in the beaker, the thicker the mayonnaise, so if you want a thinner one, use less oil.

Food for Thought

A loving person lives in a loving world.

A hostile person lives in a hostile world.

Everyone you meet is your mirror.

Ken Keyes,  1921 – 1995  Inspirational writer on personal growth




Filed under cookery/recipes, culture, food, great days, happiness, life/style, love, philosophy, spiritual, The Sound of Water, Thoughts on writing and life, Uncategorized

35 responses to “The Magic of Sychronicity

  1. Ah yes – I have many joinings too. It is delightful and enchanting. Great stories!


    • Thank you Lesley, you are such a great encourager!… yes, those moments keep us going don’t they!


      • I learned to medtiate listening to tapes of Jon Kabat Zin who practices in a similar way to Deepak but the Chopra technique relieves you of all though if you use the words whereas Jon Kabat forces you to acknowledge thoughts and gently push them away. I like both but find this challenge is a much easier exercise I found myself with tears today which often happens during meditation. It was great. The tears didn’t tax me in any way they just stayed on my cheeks.


  2. I learned something new and totally fascinating from today’s posting. It is one I am going to label extraordinary. Love the sound of sychronicity! Now when the supposedly coincidences occur I will look at them in a completely different light.


  3. Amy

    I love how you lead the stories of sychronicity to “…will create a world where the highest good of everyone starts to emerge.” Thank you for the Food for Thought!


  4. That word, synchronicity, had slipped my mind. Good of you to bring it back into focus, Valerie! I also like the word “integration.” Seeing it defined as “whole” explained to me why I resonate with this word more than I do with the word “healing,” meaning “a restoration of wholeness,” which leads me to speculate on what was broken in the first place. Since we’re each a perfect expression of Perfection, healing doesn’t make sense to me. Thanks, Valerie! xoxoM


    • Loved your comments, Margarita… yes, I feel that’ healing’ is an overworked word that’s often used in an unsuitable context .
      And the word ‘ broken’ used in the contexts it often is, also bugs me… I loved your words ” a perfect expression of Perfection.”…Love V


  5. Your article about synchronicity is one I can relate to very much, Valerie.
    Julia Cameron offers an exercise in her book “The Artist’s Way” which is to write down synchronicities that happen to you at the end of each week. Not just that this strengthend my awareness of those benevolent coincidences (so that I consciously can experience more of them) but it also helped me to listen closer to my inner voice.

    For example the above mentioned case of an appointment which you cannot (or hardly) keep up to. In earlier days I often would try to strech myself beyond healthy limits to make it happen, anyway, instead of listening to my inner voice saying “hey, you may ask if we can postpone this”. That usually meant stress for everybody and led to a less benifiting outcome for all participants. Since (and when ever) I give way to that inner voice, on the other hand, I exactly experience what you are describing, above regarding your own appointment – in which I experience much more ease and grace for everybody. 🙂

    Making a long story short: Thank you, Valerie, for this wonderful post! 🙂


    • Great comments, thank you Stephanie…so glad you felt a connection with the thoughts in this post…and I completely agree with all you have to say about it and our inner voice… it’s when we don’t listen to that, that life doesn’t flow so easily.. When we can all do that the world will turn with ease! Lovely to hear from you….


      • Actually I just experienced synchronicity regarding this post – as synchronicity had been a theme in some conversations, here, after I read it and I found myself saying “I have just read a great post about this” a lot. 😉 – There you are!

        Lovely to read from you, too – as always!


  6. A beautiful story – how wonderful! I experience same and I find it’s when I am in a space of doing what I love and “following my bliss” these moments occur. They also occur, as you say, when I am in a space of “more open hearts, and lack of fear”. (PS, the talented Michele Seminara led me here, and I look forward to reading more of your posts).


    • Thank you so much for reading and commenting…yes, following your bliss seems to be the key, doesn;t it, and it’s not about dropping out, but doing what feels right…which is challenging for many of us…we have to trust that what’s right for us, will work for others!
      I must thank Michele for pointing you in my direction, and look forward to reading your blogs too…


  7. I, too, love moments like what you have talked about. Once they happen, ‘the moment’ you don’t even have to wonder it moment talks to your soul. Since we are all souls on a path to understanding, these moments create the AHHA moment so you know you are still traveling forward.

    Lovely post. And I’m off to find the book…it sounds wonderful!



    • Dear Linda, you’re so right about those A-Ha moments… a friend used to say to me, you know you’re on track when synchronicities happen! And it feels so good, doesn’t it!
      Thank you for taking the time to comment, in the middle of all your busyness, Fuzzy an’ all !!!


  8. Benevolent coincidences. That’s an interesting phrase too. It reminds me of a friend who thinks that the best government is run by a benevolent dictator as things do get accomplished!


  9. I love that you bought two copies of “Teaching a Stone to Talk” – one for yourself and one for your friend. A good gift is one that you would want yourself and that connects you to the other. I loved this post.


  10. Hello Letizia, lovely to hear from you… I know what you mean about buying two books!
    Actually I’m always buying extra copies of books I love to give to friends!
    It’s an expensive weakness!
    So glad you enjoyed the post and thank you for your lovely comments.


  11. My dear Valerie – I just experienced one of those moments myself today. We live in a world where miracles are the norm and possibilities endless. It only takes an openness and a willingness to listen. I am reminded of a quote by Paulo Coelho (Eleven Minutes)

    …really important meetings are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other.
    Generally, speaking, these meetings occur when we reach a limit, when we need to die and be reborn emotionally. These meetings are waiting for us, but more often than not, we avoid them happening. If we are desperate, though, if we have nothing to lose, or if we are full of enthusiasm for life, then the unknown reveals itself, and our universe changes direction.”


  12. This has happened so often in my life and every time i have said Oh what a coincidence (but I have also said I did not believe in coincidence) and now (thanks to you) I have the word I would rather use. Isn’t it funny how we have a kind of fog in our brains (or is it only mine) and then you read something (like your words) and following the descent of the keys on your keyboard – the fog lifts and it all falls into place. thank you .. celi


  13. Really a beautiful sequence of events with synchronicity. A friend sent me the url to your site. Terrific. I hope you’ll drop by our site on this fascinating phenomenon.


    • I’ve tried to leave a message on your site, but apparently didn’t jump through enough hoops and got a message which I take it means that I didn’t get through to you…anyway, I enjoyed reading your blogs, and thank you so much for your generous encouragement, and for contacting me


  14. Lovely to hear from you celi – I don’t know how you find the time to comment
    between writing your blog at dawn, milking, mucking out, making cheese, and chutney, baking cakes, and nurturing all those precious creatures who love you! So glad the blog meant something to you! Valerie


    • Hello Alarna – you’ve been doing a lot of reading! Thank you so much for taking the time and interest, dear friend.
      Is Melbourne much affected by the all the heat and mayhem and misery of the fires. I can’t help agonising over all the animals and creatures….Hope all is well with you and yours….


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    • Thank you for your comment, much appreciated…. I’m a complete computer novice. The person who designed and put up my blog for me is Peter Harris, whose details are at the bottom of my very first blog in the archives. He says there :if you have a book you want me to upload and do the whole thing, create a blog for you and point you in the right direction to get exposure on the web, visit me at Once you’ve had someone like Peters set you up, it’s just a question of learning your way round Word Press… if I can – you can! Good luck, Valerie Davies


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    • Thank you so much for your message and suggestions. It sounds a lovely idea… I’m just not very computer savvy, and while I think the idea of guest authoring sounds great, I wouldn’t know how to go about it unless you were able to kick- start me!!!! I would certainly be interested… Look forward to hearing from you….


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