Time for a tea-break

100_0266I have kept my blogging vows: to write regularly, for better or worse – (you be the judge),   for richer for poorer – (mostly poorer), in sickness – (sometimes) and in health, till circumstances do us part.

But recently I’ve let the other half of my blogging commitment slip – the agreement to read and follow and like and comment. Circumstances have been squeezing me, so that I’ve been lagging guiltily behind on this part of the blogging commitment.

So, it feels like time for a tea-break. Thanks to Clanmother recommending the fascinating book: ‘For all the Tea in China’, after reading my blog on tea – I now know I couldn’t make a healthier choice. Apparently wherever tea drinking caught on, those societies became healthier- they were boiling their water for the tea, and didn’t have to slake their thirst with polluted water, beer or wine.

So they remained sober, and sustained by calories in the cheap sugar from the Colonies, and protein in the milk for their tea! It’s even suggested that tea-drinking societies like the British were fifty years ahead in the Industrial Revolution because the workers were kept alert over their machines, having tea-breaks instead of becoming drowsy or sozzled with another sip of wine or beer. (Over dinner last night, a friend described Italian workers falling off the scaffolding after another sip of wine in the blazing heat as they toiled over Brunelleschi’s Dome – he had wine diluted with water brought up to them to save them the long journey up and down !)

So  here’s to: ‘ the cup that cheers but doth not in-ebriate!’  Lapsang Souchong of course !

The circle of friendship in our blogging world never fails to amaze me and move me, and though technology is what has brought us together, in the end, it’s the written word that’s made it possible. As a writer, I treasure the words of Carl Sagan who said that: ”Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, bringing together people who never knew each other, citizens of different epochs. Books break the shackles of time. A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic.”

For me, it seems that blogging has become the book of life for many of us, the magic of the written word bringing us together in time and space, and showing us how connected we all are. These connections are ties that won’t be broken, even when circumstances, in my case, have dictated a tea-break.

So though this is a break, it is not an ending, and I send to all my dear friends and fellow bloggers, the (Good) witches blessing:

Merry meet, and merry part, and merry meet again!

Food for Thought

Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works.                             Virginia Woolf 1882 -1941  Great English novelist



Filed under bloggers, great days, The Sound of Water, Thoughts on writing and life, Uncategorized

89 responses to “Time for a tea-break

  1. elisaruland

    Oh dear, I’ve been an avid tea drinker since I was a little girl, and an enthusiastic red wine drinker since….well, since I was old enough to appreciate a fine cabernet with a medium rare filet mignon. I hope one doesn’t cancel the health benefits of the other!


    • Oh , I’ d hate to think I’d put anyone off their lovely wine…I think it’s a little of what you fancy does you good, isn’t it??? We have the choice now….


      • elisaruland

        Not to worry! As long as I stick with tea in the morning and wine in the evening, I think I’ll be okay! 😉
        I forgot to tell you how much I enjoyed your charming porch photograph. I’ve always been drawn to the color combination of red and green. Very nice!


      • Thank you Elisa – so satisfying that you notice the pictures… but with your background that’s not surprising !!!


  2. A cup of tea and the art of writing. Two winners. You set a handsome table…but where is the tea pot? 🙂 It is hard to keep up with personal blogging commitments and your international “friends” understand. We all search for balance. I like the good witches blessing. Same to you.


  3. Looking forward to the merry meet again. Enjoy your tea break.


  4. Love tea. Love your blog. 🙂


  5. Juliet

    So interesting to think what people drank before the days of tea. Have a nice tea break and I’ll look forward to merry meeting again.


  6. As always I will miss you and look forward to welcoming you back 🙂 enjoy your break 🙂


    • Thank you so much Dory… I shall be popping in on your irresistible blogs …


    • i had a very intense dream that MSK was at my house and hid inidse the master bedroom toilet. i called the police and the lady operator said help is on the way and i look up i see a helicopter. it landed in my living room and the police cant kick the toilet door down. through the windows in my room i saw MSK removing the ventilation window panes and was going to escape (from the toilet again). i told the police and he climbed in from the vent and MSK was captured but was very happy and shook my hands. woke up and went wtf.


  7. Hey there Valerie, fascinating insight into tea drinking…it makes a lot of sense! Totally understand your need for a tea break…Enjoy and revive 🙂 xoxo


  8. Dear Valerie – I am so glad that you liked the book. Every time I go through the ritual, which I love, of making tea, I say a silent “thank you” to Robert Fortune for completing his noble and difficult task of bringing us tea. I went searching for a quote to add to the dialogue. I think that you will like this one.

    “Teaism is a cult founded on the adoration of the beautiful among the sordid facts of everyday existence. It inculcates purity and harmony, the mystery of mutual charity, the romanticism of the social order. It is essentially a worship of the Imperfect, as it is a tender attempt to accomplish something possible in this impossible thing we know as life.” Kakuzō Okakura, The Book of Tea

    By the way, I’m heading out on an adventure with my husband and son for the next couple of weeks so may be a little slow in coming to your blog! I took and deep breath before plunging into purchasing an iPhone. Now, I am going to use the next couple of weeks to see if I can go into the “fast lane” of technology and see if I can post on WordPress using it. So far, I know how to turn on the phone and actually answer it! I’m making progress.


  9. What simply beautiful words about tea… a tender attempt to to accomplish something possible in this impossible thing we know as life…. I shall treasure that…
    Congratulations on getting to know the iPhone… I think I may be running out of opportunities ! It’s all the buttons that defeat me !!! And anyway, I need my specs for them…
    But there won’t be a blog to come to while I’m having my tea break, dear friend…Have a lovely adventure…XXX


  10. I understand your need for a break and being unable to keep up with reading other fascinating blogs and likes and comments . Sometimes I feel quite guilty about it and I do know that is silly! Love the photo of bread, cheese and wine – no tea I notice!
    Merry meeting again in due course. I’ll look forward to it 🙂


    • Hello Sally, lovely to hear from you, you are amazing the way you keep going, come rain or shine !
      The pic was an old emergency one – I’ve done something to my pic files and need my grand daughter who’s away at the moment !
      so yes, no tea !!!!


  11. Enjoy your break my friend. See you again when you are ready Viola. Ralph xox 😀


  12. As I tuned in here, I had just drained my after-lunch cuppa. I should have kept it a few minutes longer for true appreciation! Tea cheers for the post, anyway!
    Books do give me a severe problem. Reading them interferes with writing them, and vice versa.


  13. I’ll miss your stories! How a great break and hope to see you back soon (with your tea).


  14. We’ve all been there. Take the break. Enjoy the tea. 🙂


  15. Never thought about tea that way but it’s true isn’t it? Boiling water is so much safer. I love red wine but can’t imagine drinking it while working in the heat. The vast number of blogs to keep up with can be a bit overwhelming! I’m catching up today as well. 🙂


  16. My dearest of friends from worlds away, you know I am going to say something truly terrible….right?

    Texas Tea rocks! Give me Black Tea, yes okay I cheat a little, I boil the water first to make the simple syrup. Then I load the Tea into the tea thingies and let them just sit in the sun for hours making my tea so black it looks like coffee. If I want some really wonderful Texas Tea? I make fresh lemonaid and pour that in to the container!! Yummy, Texas Tea and Lemon, over ice of course.

    Red Wine, well I am not supposed to drink it, but now and again I must tipple a glass. I have my favorites. I do I do. When Dearly Beloved grabs one out of the wine chiller (do you know they now say even Red Wine should be served slightly chilled, pffft I have been doing this for decades), I pull out my favorite glass.

    You do know Valerie, you should never feel guilty for not showing up to read, it happens. We all fall behind. It is fine. Life takes us by the nap of our neck now and again and shakes us.


    • Dear, dear Val, I’m sure if I tasted your Texas Tea and Lemon made by an expert like you, I’d love it !
      And am with you on the red wine… can only take small quantities occasionally like you, so I make sure the wine is GOOD…
      I know what you’re saying about reading blogs… I always have this feeling of letting people down which I’m working on… eldest child syndrome???? Anyway, I’m drifting into life at the moment, sipping my tea withal….love V


  17. I wish I liked tea but I do like this blog. Here in Portland, we have things called Benson Bubblers (http://www.portlandoregon.gov/water/article/352768). Simon Benson, one of the city fathers, wanted to keep loggers from drinking at lunch and sleeping through the afternoon so he installed the water fountains for them. And they are still around today!


  18. Amy

    I, too, understand your need for a break. Hope “merry meet again” won’t be too long. I’m being selfish, I know…
    Thank you for the beautiful post, Valerie!


  19. Dear Amy, lovely to have your message and your encouragement… thank you…I shall try to keep up with your beautiful posts….


  20. Dear Valerie,

    I’ ll raise a cup in your honor and hope that your break is one of peace and needed rest. I’ve taken great pleasure in connecting with you in a small away across the continents and oceans. You’re an inspiration and a delight to read.




    • Dear Rochelle,
      Lovely to get your message – across the oceans – thank you for your generous words, I shall enjoy keeping up with your blog as time goes by…
      For now, I raise my cup to you, love Valerie


  21. Thank you, Valerie, for again sharing your eloquent thoughts. I love chai lattes (I know, not real tea with that much cream) but at least it’s stolen me away from coffee. For now.


  22. I Am Jasmine Kyle

    I took a brake this summer too. It was time for focusing on just me!! As you know blogging is not just about you if you are good at it!


  23. You’re so right – writing is the easy part ! it’s all the rest that gets out of hand ! Good to hear from you…


  24. MisBehaved Woman

    I do hope that all is well and that your break is filled with lots of R & R…and tea, of course. ~Peace & Blessings To You~


  25. Ahhh! A lovely tea break! I so adore a ‘spot of tea’. Have a good rest and enjoy many a cuppa I will keep sending you healing thoughts!



    • Dear Linda,
      Got your e-mail and will be replying. when the computer man has fixed me up again – I can get in and out on the blog, but not on the e-mail – but as soon as I can get to him on MOnday, I’ll look forward to being in touch..it’s so frustrating being boxed in and unable to communicate with the outside world !!!!
      love valerie


      • OH! You are okay. That is what I wanted to know. Sorry about the email…email is just the most perfect solution to long-distance (aka: around the world) communication. I will be looking forward to our conversation.



      • The reason you’d been thinking of me, was because I’d been thinking of you !!!!… will write when I get e-mail back on !!!


  26. Patty B

    Enjoying a cup of tea either in the morning or in the evening and reading my blogs has become my favorite past time. Lately though I am also overwhelmed with things and I am grateful everyone understands too, but the fog is lifting and I am finding solace, hope and encouragement while relaxing with a cup of tea and many friends! So enjoy your R&R we will be waiting here for you with our tea or coffee enjoying time spent with a dear friend. 😉


  27. Dear Patty, thank you so much for your message and good wishes.. I do hope you continue to find your way through the fog. You are magnificent the way you have been coping, and I will be thinking of you as you continue to take each step forward into your new way of living… go well XXX


  28. Have always loved tea and the tea break. Have brought home wondrous teas from china and have a great tea library. But alas, with anosmia much of the pleasure is gone. I really miss it. I hope that life picks up soon for you Valerie.


    • Liz, lovely to hear from you and thank you for your good wishes…
      what a shame that you can’t enjoy tea any more… I suppose you have wonderful things like Russian tea and all those amazing sounding names that tempt me beyond my comfort zone of lapsang!!!!


      • Hubbie’s favorite is Lapsong Souchong (sp). Thanks, Valerie. You might love Ginseng Oolong. The tea leaves are balled up and soaked in ginseng. There are hundreds of varieties, all yummy and coming in all different size little balls.


  29. Just made the tea and came looking for you, since I’ve been offline myself with school hols and kids and still working and family visits and no time for online visits 🙂

    At least if you have a break, we can still hang out here and catch up with your posts and you know we are all linked in to be instantly awakened when you do have a few more nuggets for us, which I know you do have plenty of and even if you’re busy offline, those little nuggets will continue to generate, ready to be called upon when convenient.

    Sending warm, sunny vibes from over here.


  30. Claire, lovely to hear from you… I can imagine how busy you are at this time of year, it sounds such a lovely summer over there, I bet you have masses of friends and family who want a share of it !
    Thank you for your warm words… yes, we are so linked, and it’s wonderful that the connections continue, Hope the sunny days in every sense – continue your end, Valerie


  31. Cute post, Valerie! I had just sat down after lunch to read a few blogs – and sitting beside me is a cup of tea (and a chocolate brownie…!). I have always enjoyed making tea, and usually do a pot – even if it’s just for me – as it seems so much more fun than just brewing the thing in the mug. Best wishes x


    • Thank you Gabriela – glad you enjoyed the post – yes I’m a tea-pot girl, and a coffee -pot woman too… the ritual is as important as the drink !
      Doesn’t really taste the same in a mug….


  32. No wonder I’ve been missing you! I’m dreadful about getting around – have had to change habits and it’s not easy. The courageous fore-running of longer-term bloggers supports and sustains my erratic visiting. Some blogs, however, are irresistible. I will therefore darken the doorway to your boiling kettles and fetch the sugar myself…out of respect for your unauthorised, but well deserved, self-declared tea break. Love to you, Valerie.

    P.S. Are any of your other GenOne friends writing about their experience…where I could peek in?


    • Amy dear, lovely to have your messages… I shall keep up with your thoughts as they trickle into the blogosphere! ! ‘m only reading a few of my favourite blogs – like you and Celi, and so far have not really savoured my tea-break- but that’s about to change !
      Enjoy your tea too….
      My tea-break has been very busy so far, proof reading one book, corresponding with my London publisher about the book he’s bringing out at Christmas, and getting on with another that I’m halfway through, with two other in the stocks…
      Eight hour days at the computer… however I’m getting it under control and finished the proof reading today…
      I laughed out loud at the idea of a no-computer day… I must try it !!!!
      Actually, the more I think about it, a lovely spiritual discipline…
      I only have one GenOne friend, who is busy moving house and home-schooling, and I haven’t been able to winkle out of her what exactly she’s getting from the experience… Can you tell me, I’d love to know…
      Do keep in touch Amy, Much love, Valerie


  33. Just calling in to say that I hope all is well and to let you know that you are missed! Hope your tea break is giving you what you need. 🙂


    • Dear Sally,
      How lovely to hear from you, I really appreciate your message. I’ve been resolutely not looking at my favourite blogs like yours, as I dare n;t get distracted…
      I’ve been working eight hour days at the computer checking proofs for one book, and busy corresponding with my publisher in London who’s planning to get my book The Sound of water published by Christmas… so it’s all go… I’m halfway through another book as well and have two more in the stocks…
      But I’m loving it… and I will be back soon to enjoying your beautiful things, even if I don’t have time to write my blog for a while….Love V


  34. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words

    I thought I would pop in and say Hello..
    and hoping you are having fun on your tea time holiday form here?
    Know you are missed…!
    Take Care…You Matter…


    • Dear MaryRose, How simply lovely to find your message, and know that you are thinking of me. I am so touched. Thank you so much. Yes, I am enjoying the break, though I’m very busy, checking the proofs of a book to be published at Christmas, and writing the sequel to another book which is being published in London at Christmas ! But the break is giving me time to re-charge and go within. Hope all is good in your world, with warm wishes, Valerie


  35. Sitting here with a cup of tea this sunny Sunday morning, and re-reading your last (I mean, most recent) post. This is just to let you know that I support your break 100%, but also that you are missed, even though I had only just “met” you. I’m sure you’re still writing in one form or another, but when or if you are ready to start posting again, lots of readers will be happy to welcome you back. And if you decide not to do so, well then, I’ll just have to get my hands on one of your books! Warm regards, J


    • Dear Josna, What a joy your lovely message was to me. Thank you so much good friend… for your support in my break, and your encouragement to come back !

      You are very clever – yes, I am writing – very busy in fact, with a book coming out at Christmas in London, compiling and proof-reading a collection of my better blogs, and writing a sequel to the book that’s about to be published…

      Looking after my frail 84 year old husband also takes a lot of energy… so yes – the break was necessary, but I will be back !

      I simply loved your pics and blog about the quince… beautiful… and also enjoyed your harking back to the Darling Buds of May – so delicious… we have a beautiful couple living round the corner here, in a gorgeous little ramshackle cottage smothered in flowers, filled with books, chaotic garden, and if you venture in, you’ll find the husband dozing on the ragged hammock on the veranda, dog snoring beneath, and the wife fallen asleep on the sagging sofa inside, over a book … something about the raffish comfort and jolliness of them both always brings back the Darling Buds… Warmest wishes, Valerie


      • Thank you for your reply. If I had read your replies to some of the earlier comments I would have known what you were up to and spared you the trouble of repeating it all over again! Congratulation on your upcoming publications and all the best with your work, all of it, including the loving care of your husband.
        Thanks, too, for taking the time to comment on a couple of my recent stories and for sharing that description of your neighbors in the “ramshackle cottage smothered in flowers”. Such a soothing mental image. Take care and be well, Josna


  36. chennicole2013

    I loved the Carl Sagan quote: “Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, bringing together people who never knew each other, citizens of different epochs. …”
    I’m a beginning blogger (I started at the end of Aug.), and I’m delighted with the new friends I’ve made. One of the best is Janet Williams from whom I found your blog.


    • Thank you so much for coming to my blog… apologies for taking so long to rep[ly, but have not been looking at my blog for a week or so, though I;m planning a comeback !
      Do hope you go on enjoying the fun of blogging – as you’ve obviously discovered, blogging is so much more than writing – go well…best wishes..


  37. Dear Valerie!
    Freshly returned from my summer break I am sending much love to you from the other side of the globe!
    Warm regards :D,


    • Steffi, how sweet of you to think of me… hope it was a lovely summer break… we are just tentatively stepping into spring here… and I am slowly regaining some vitality. Lovely to hear from you, love Valerie


      • Yes, in your part of the world it is the spring-equinox, on my side it is the equinox in autumn and the leaves are starting to fall. 😉
        Be good to yourself and allow your system to fully replenish. Times can feel demanding these days, and they may challenge us to consequently take time for ourselves, first.
        Enjoy the awakening of spring and the gentle return of vitality into your life!


  38. Valerie, just stopping by to say “hi” and let you know that you are missed. Taking time for yourself and the demands of life are so important; I hope all is going well for you.


    • Shirley, thank you so much for your message, it is so amazing to think that you remember me with all that goes on in the blogging world !
      I was thrilled to find your lovely message… and hope all is good with you… yes, I can feel the energy rising, and a return to all the fun is imminent!


  39. My dear friend, I have been on a break myself. After reading all the comments it seems that you are in good health and enjoying all of the logistics to putting together a book. All the very, very best!


  40. Hello Rebecca – yes, i had noticed that you’d been away, and have been catching up with your returning blog…so intriguing …sounds as though you had a fascinating trip…hope you saw some lovely scenery as well as machines !!!!
    I ‘m keeping a low profile, but reading !!!
    Hope to be back soon


  41. your words “blogging has become the book of life for many of us” ring so true. And I know some of what you feel, I took a break from blogging, kind of popping back in now but the commitment to read and respond is just that isn’t it – a commitment. And I don’t feel comfortable writing my blog if I can’t respond.


    • Hello Claire, so good to hear from you… yes, blogging is a real balancing act, isn’t it, but it’s also hard to give up !!! I know how you feel about writing and not responding… in the end I think we just have to let it ebb and flow!!!


  42. WordsFallFromMyEyes

    High five – high tea 🙂

    It has been AGES since I read a good book. Good on you!


  43. what a great spread. so inviting


  44. What interesting tea tidbits you’ve shared here, Valerie. I’m off to enjoy an evening cup as the chilly winds return to the Alps. Always a pleasure to read your posts!


    • Thank you Tricia – enjoy your cuppa !!


    • Yeah I get it already, She’s fanaisttc. and she certainly is but could you please post some of the races she’s won or her trophy (& medal) collection. Can you show her some respect for all the training she’s been doing instead of just ooogeling at her? thanks Man, DarrylHarrisburg, PA


      • Valerie. You are being targeted by Trolls …… nuisance computerised comments. Have a look at where they come from….. probably FaceBook. You have probably had diverse weird comments in various posts. Click on the WP black bar at the top of the page where the orange light comes up. Click on View Archive. Everyone that you suspect as weird……click Unapprove……then click Spam and they will leave your comments. Any new similar comments, click Spam immediately.
        I got hit by about 40 of the same type of comments, different names but the same style……Spam them !!
        Ralph xox


      • I did forget to add that if you see a comment like the Sabastien above, click on “edit” by the name, a new page will open, click on ” move to trash” and “update” and it will go. You can also use this “edit” to correct typos made by a commenter or delete links…..whatever 😀


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